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Text File  |  1985-09-03  |  4KB  |  119 lines

  1. %        tb13hyf.tex
  2. %
  3. %    This item is approximately the same as that appearing in TUGboat
  4. %    Vol. 6, No. 3, November 1985.
  6. \title Hyphenation Exception Log
  7. \\ \endx
  9. \pagexref{hyphenlog}
  11. Below is a list of words that \TeX\ fails to hyphenate properly.
  12. It last appeared in Volume~5, No.~1, on page~15.
  13. Everything listed there is repeated here.
  15. As expected, there are more instances of missed than of incorrect
  16. hyphens.  The ``\TeX'' column gives results from |\showhyphens{...}|;
  17. hyphens.  |\showhyphens{...}| produced the results in the ``\TeX'' column.
  18. entries in the second column are suitable for inclusion in a
  19. |\hyphenation{...}| list.
  21. In most instances, inflected forms are not shown for nouns and verbs;
  22. however, all forms should be specified in a |\hyphenation{...}| list
  23. if they might occur in your document.
  25. \bigskip
  27. \halign{\tt \kern1em #\unskip\hfil\qquad&#\unskip\hfil\cr
  28. \hfil{\rm \TeX}\cr
  29. \noalign{\vskip 2pt}
  30. anal-yse        &an-a-lyse        \cr
  31. anomaly            &anom-aly        \cr
  32. anti-nomy(ies)        &an-tin-o-my(ies)    \cr
  33. ap-pendix        &ap-pen-dix        \cr
  34. ban-dleader        &band-leader        \cr
  35. be-haviour        &be-hav-iour        \cr
  36. bornolog-i-cal        &bor-no-log-i-cal    \cr
  37. Brow-n-ian        &Brown-ian        \cr
  38. buz-zword        &buzz-word        \cr
  39. cartwheel        &cart-wheel        \cr
  40. cholesteric        &cho-les-teric        \cr
  41. database        &data-base        \cr
  42. dat-a-p-ath        &data-path        \cr
  43. de-mos            &demos            \cr
  44. dis-tribute        &dis-trib-ute        \cr
  45. Di-jk-stra        &Dijk-stra        \cr
  46. \rlap{elec-trome-chan-i-cal}    &\rlap{electro-mechan-i-cal}    \cr
  47. \rlap{elec-tromechanoa-cous-tic}    &    \cr
  48.             &\rlap{electro-mechano-acoustic}    \cr
  49. equiv-ari-ant        &equi-vari-ant        \cr
  50. Eu-le-rian        &Euler-ian        \cr
  51. fermions        &fermi-ons        \cr
  52. flowchart        &flow-chart        \cr
  53. Gaus-sian        &Gauss-ian        \cr
  54. ge-o-met-ric        &geo-met-ric        \cr
  55. Greif-swald        &Greifs-wald        \cr
  56. Grothendieck        &Grothen-dieck        \cr
  57. Grundlehren        &Grund-leh-ren        \cr
  58. Hamil-to-nian        &Hamil-ton-ian        \cr
  59. Her-mi-tian        &Her-mit-ian        \cr
  60. in-fras-truc-ture    &in-fra-struc-ture    \cr
  61. jeremi-ads        &je-re-mi-ads        \cr
  62. Kadomt-sev        &Kadomt-sev        \cr
  63. Leg-en-dre        &Le-gendre        \cr
  64. Lip-s-chitz(ian)    &Lip-schitz(-ian)    \cr
  65. macroe-co-nomic        ¯o-eco-nomic    \cr
  66. manuscript        &man-u-script        \cr
  67. Marko-vian        &Markov-ian        \cr
  68. met-a-lan-guage        &meta-lan-guage        \cr
  69. mi-crofiche        &mi-cro-fiche        \cr
  70. mod-elling        &mod-el-ling        \cr
  71. mo-noen-er-getic    &mono-en-er-getic    \cr
  72. monopole        &mono-pole        \cr
  73. monos-trofic        &mono-strofic        \cr
  74. mul-ti-pli-ca-ble    &mul-ti-plic-able    \cr
  75. ne-ofields        &neo-fields        \cr
  76. Noethe-rian        &Noether-ian        \cr
  77. none-mer-gency        &non-emer-gency        \cr
  78. nonequiv-ari-ance    &non-equi-vari-ance    \cr
  79. noneu-clidean        &non-euclid-ean        \cr
  80. non-s-mooth        &non-smooth        \cr
  81. parametrized        &pa-ram-e-trized    \cr
  82. paramil-i-tary        ¶-mil-i-tary    \cr
  83. Poincare        &Poin-care        \cr
  84. polyene            &poly-ene        \cr
  85. poly-go-niza-tion    &polyg-on-i-za-tion    \cr
  86. postam-ble        &post-am-ble        \cr
  87. pream-ble        &pre-am-ble        \cr
  88. \rlap{pseu-dod-if-fer-en-tial}        &    \cr
  89.             &\rlap{pseu-do-dif-fer-en-tial}    \cr
  90. pseud-ofi-nite        &pseu-do-fi-nite    \cr
  91. pseud-ofinitely        &pseu-do-fi-nite-ly    \cr
  92. pseud-o-forces        &pseu-do-forces        \cr
  93. pseu-doword        &pseu-do-word        \cr
  94. quadrat-ics        &qua-drat-ics        \cr
  95. quasiequiv-a-lence    &qua-si-equiv-a-lence    \cr
  96. quasi-hy-ponor-mal    &qua-si-hy-po-nor-mal    \cr
  97. qua-sis-mooth        &qua-si-smooth        \cr
  98. qua-sis-ta-tion-ary    &qua-si-sta-tion-ary    \cr
  99. Rie-man-nian        &Rie-mann-ian        \cr
  100. schedul-ing        &sched-ul-ing        \cr
  101. Schrodinger        &Schro-ding-er        \cr
  102. Schwarzschild        &Schwarz-schild        \cr
  103. semidef-i-nite        &semi-def-in-ite    \cr
  104. semi-ho-mo-th-etic    &semi-ho-mo-thet-ies    \cr
  105. ser-vomech-a-nism    &ser-vo-mech-anism    \cr
  106. setup            &set-up            \cr
  107. solenoid        &so-le-noid        \cr
  108. spheroid        &spher-oid        \cr
  109. stochas-tic        &sto-chas-tic        \cr
  110. sub-scriber         &sub-scrib-er        \cr
  111. summable        &sum-ma-ble        \cr
  112. ther-moe-las-tic    &ther-mo-elas-tic    \cr
  113. times-tamp        &time-stamp        \cr
  114. \rlap{ve-r-all-ge-mein-erte}    &ver-all-ge-mein-erte    \cr
  115. \rlap{wahrschein-lichkeit-s-the-o-rie}    &    \cr
  116.             &\rlap{wahr-schein-lich-keits-the-o-rie}    \cr
  117. waveg-uide        &wave-guide        \cr
  118. }